Charbonneau, Joelle.
New York, NY : HarperTeen, [2019]
ISBN 9780062803627
Meri Beckley is trying very hard to move on from her mother's death. It is hard. Her father drinks himself to sleep every night and is just not there for her. All she has left is her mother's art. There is one painting that isn't finished and Meri wants to be able to finish it. But it is so different from what her mother usually painted. Actually, the last few paintings have been different. As Meri walks around the city, she starts seeing what her mother painted. And then it happens. A stranger hands her a piece of paper with the word "verify" written on it. Paper has been outlawed for years. And there is no such word as verify. Now Meri is on a quest to understand this word and to find a way to finish what her mother started.
Krosoczka, Jarrett J.
New York : Scholastic, 2018
ISBN 9780545902489
You may have read Krosoczka's graphic novels. But do you know the story of the man growing up to be a famous author? Jarrett was born in Worcester, MA to a single mother and absent father. His mother was also a heroin addict. When he was in preschool, his grandparents stepped in and took custody of him. He lived with them and several of his aunts. The family dynamics were complicated and Jarrett seldom got to see his mother. This is his memoir about growing up with his grandparents. They sometimes drank too much and fought too much. But above all, they loved Jarrett and wanted him to have a wonderful life.
Stone, Peter.
New York : Simon & Schuster, 2018
ISBN 9781534422179
Cameron Carter can't believe this is happening. He has been chosen to spend the summer in Washington DC. He is going to be a summer intern for one of the most powerful congressmen in the country. This is an opportunity that someone like him usually doesn't get. He comes from a small town in California and his father is a struggling landscaper. But now his is working for the next Speaker. Cameron has always dreamed of this. His mother had interned in DC when she was his age. She was killed in a car accident years ago but Cameron feels a bit closer to her as he follows her journey. But as exciting as it all is, it doesn't take Cameron long to figure out that things are not what they seem.
Charbonneau, Joelle.
New York : HarperCollins, 2019
ISBN 9780062453884
When their father and older brother were killed, they were the next in line for the kingdom. But as twins, there was no clear successor to the throne. And no one knows which twin was born first. The elders decided to put Carys and Andreus through the Trials of Virtuous Seccession. As the first book ends, Carys is assumed dead and Andreus has become king. But Andreus is not sure he is ready to rule. There are many around him who are plotting against him. And the lights in the city are going out. The lights are the only thing that are keeping the monsters in the hills from invading the city. Then Andreus finds a note from Carys that says she is alive and will be coming back to claim the throne. Join Andreus and Carys as they each try to save the kingdom of Eden.
Anderson, Laurie Halse.
New York : Viking, 2019
ISBN 9780670012107
Best selling author, Laurie Halse Anderson has written a memoir of her own childhood and coping with sexual assault. When she was just thirteen years old, Anderson was attacked by a boy she trusted. This changed her world. She writes how she tried to cope and how she eventually turned her life around and now is an advocate for children who find themselves as victims.
Lippincott, Rachael.
New York : Simon & Schuster, 2018
ISBN 9781534437333
Stella is back in the hospital. She has been in and out forever. Stella has cystic fibrosis and it is getting worse. This time she needs to miss the big school trip to Cabo because her lung function is so low. She is now at the top of the list for a lung transplant. Her best CF friend Poe is back in the hospital again also. Stella and Poe met on her first visit to the hospital and have become besties. This year there is a new teen on the floor. Will has CF but he has contracted a virus that makes him ineligible for a transplant. He is taking part in a trial of a new medicine. He is defiant and doesn't take his meds or use his vest. He is determined to walk away from all this treatment when he turns 18 in a few weeks. Stella knows she has to stay away from Will. The rule with CF patients is they need to stay six feet apart. No exceptions. But as they get to know each other, Stella wonders if maybe five feet is safe enough.