Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Book of the day 01/13/2015

  • Wescott, Shelbi. THE SYSTEM North York, ON : Arthur Press, 2013 IL YA ISBN 0615851673 It has been a week since the virus was released that killed the world. Well, most of it. There are very few survivors. Lucy and her brother Ethan were vaccinated against the virus. You see, their father is the one who created the virus. Scott left a few backup doses of the vaccine and Ethan has used them to save others. But Ethan is in trouble. He had an accident and is danger of losing his life to infection. Lucy and her friend Grant have set off for Nebraska in a hot air balloon. This is where they believe Lucy's father is. They believe that he will send rescuers to help Ethan and protect the rest of their small survivors group. Meanwhile in the underground System, Huck is moving forward on his plans to wipe out all life on earth and start again in his own utopia. When Lucy and Grant arrive at the System, they are greeted with mixed emotions. Lucy is allowed to join her family but when Huck learns that Grant survived the virus, he instructs Scott to develop a new virus to kill those who survived the first strike. He must kill Grant. And what about Ethan and the others back in Portland? Will he allow them to live?

    tags: podcasts ya blueduke

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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